Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Homemade Ice Cream...and Beautiful Fellowship

It's weird... I had never really considered Memorial Day a holiday until I got a job. When you are working 5-6 days a week, a holiday can be a beautiful thing... In my case, I got the day off from work.

It was wonderful. Yesterday Grant and I went out to lunch at Applebee's, looked around at Old Navy for a little while, and then went our separate ways... After getting home, I planned to watch "The Invisible Man" dvd with Holly and Nate... but I dozed off instead... sleeping for a few glorious hours! Then at about 6:30pm Grant picked me up again and we went to Grace's house to pick her up. Then we went to Molly's house, where we met up with Molly, Jon, Nick, and Barry. Then it was off to Susie's house for dinner and homemade ice cream. At Susie's house not only did I get to spend time with the gang I was already with, but I also got to see Steven, Curtis, Nick B., Susie; (of course), and Mandy! It was a blessing. After dinner and homemade ice cream, Grant, Barry, Jon, Molly, and I went for a walk after dark. We ended up in a playground. It was a lot of fun. After playing on the playground equipment for a while, we all sat down together and ended up having a long conversation, which ended in prayer. It was special.

Ok friends! Leave me lots of comments. I want to hear what you did for Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Snake Suspense

Yesterday Nate came running to me yelling; " There's a snake outside! Emily, there is a snake outside!"

Needless to say, I freaked out. " Where is it? What does it look like?" I asked him as I headed towards the back door.

" He's red, and he has diamonds on his back! His head is kind of flat and wide! I think he's a Cobra!" Nate yelled hysterically.

I chuckled when he wasn't looking and then I explained to him that Cobra's don't live in the midwest naturally. I am not sure if I convinced him though. " I think he's a poisonous snake, Emily!" Nate said.

I went outside, and Nate made sure to accessorize me with a digital camera, my cell phone, and a flashlight. Despite all of his caution he went out there with me without any shoes or socks, and seemed ready to climb under the back porch himself to pull wood away and show me the snake.
"Did anything else stand out to you about this snake?" I asked him.

" He was long and skinny." Nate told me. " He has a weird bump on the end of his tail. He had long fangs!" Then he illustrated with his fingers, two inch long fangs.

'Oh great.' I thought. 'For once, I hope he is exaggerating!' With Nate's description about the snake's tail, and the talk about diamond designs on the back, it sounded an awful lot like we were talking about a Rattlesnake.

We didn't end up finding the snake again, which is too bad, because I thought it would be cool to have the rest of the family come home and I would have this impressive story about me killing the snake. Yes if that had happened, it would have shocked a lot of people. And I would have LOVED it.

Instead though, Nate and I came inside the house, and we did a search on Google for snake pictures. I was hoping that maybe he might be able to identify, from memory, what the snake looked like. He looked at the list of pictures, then pointed to one. "That might be it!" He said. " Yes I am sure that it is probably the same kind of snake I saw!"

" Uhhh...No honey, that snake is from Africa..." I told him.

"Oh." He said.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Birth Announcement

It's a Girl!

Lucy Virginia

My Niece was born Friday, May 5th, to my sister Rachel and her husband Tim. Congratulations Rachel and Tim!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Flight 93" films

I admit. I was one of those people who said that it was too soon for a movie to be created about the September 11th Terrorist Attacks. For many, it probably is. But late Saturday night, as I sat in front of the television set, I came across the "Flight 93" movie playing on A&E. Out of curiousity I thought I would watch "just a little", but ended up viewing almost the whole film. Although I can't tell if it was "too soon" or not, I can say that I was touched. I tuned in right about the moment when the terrorists were tying red cloths onto their heads, and I kept watching right until after the plane crashed. The only reason I stopped watching then was because it was nearly 2 in the morning and I was exhausted. What I did see of the film was very unique and very intense... yet very special.

These were real people who gave their lives for us. The film was very good at portraying the desperation of the situation that everyone was caught up in. Nobody was portrayed like Superheroes, ( as is typical for a movie with so much action) everyone was shown just simply trying to survive. And in turn, these people became heroes.

My favorite part of the film was the way they depicted Todd Beamer's dependance upon God. Though I am certain there must have been others involved in that flight who were also dependant upon the Lord. When Todd asked to pray the Lord's Prayer with Lisa Jefferson on the phone, it was neat to see how people in the background immediately grew awkward and then humbled.

If you think you are ready for A&E's "Flight 93" movie, please view it.