Thursday, July 21, 2005

Pray for Jaci

Lately my thoughts have been about an old friend of mine-- Jaci Kettler.We have not been in contact for a few years, but I was best friends with her little sister in the sixth grade.Anyway, I was sad to read this article the other day, and learn that she has been diagnosed with a cancer called "Lymphoma". Could you please pray for her?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Friday Night

Late Friday night Walt and Dasha came by.

I have a new camera!

My new camera came, here I am on the first day, trying it out.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Remember or Forget

I sit beside my lonely fire
And pray for wisdom yet:
For calmness to remember
Or courage to forget.
-Charles Hamilton Aide (1830-1906)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Courage, brother!

Courage, brother! do not stumble,Though thy path be dark as night; There's a star to guide the humble,Trust in God and do the Right. Trust in God.
-Norman Macleod

Monday, July 04, 2005

Californian Adventures: Day Three


Friday, June 10th

Friday morning. By 11 am we were in the fellowship hall at church, waiting for the rest of the people from the wedding party to show up, so we could discuss plans.Later, after people showed up, we were handed a shopping list for wedding supplies, so a bunch of us headed to Cosco. When we got there we had tons of things to look for and buy, like refreshments, utensils, tablecloths, and etc. for the wedding.

At some point while we were there at Cosco, I needed to take my little sister to the bathroom. But when we walked into the ladies room, there was a Gay man there. So we left. (If you don't believe me, read article "Gender Blender" from World Magazine... some of you will be shocked)
After picking up all the supplies, we then went back to the church to drop things off. Later we were back at the Fullerton apartment, where Miriam's husband, Tim, and Rachel were waiting for us. And there was different furniture there; some nicer couches that they had moved in. So that was cool. Rachel showed us her new cell phone and we hung out and visited for a bit... and Rachel told me that later that night would be a slumber party for some of the girls at her apartment in Whittier.

So that night ( sometime after 9), Joi came and picked me up, and I spent the night at Rachel's apartment. That was neat, having our last night together, Rachel and I. So it was Joi, Rachel, Marcie,Meghan, Andrea, Julie, and I. When I first walked in, the girls were all curled up in front of the tv, watching an Anime show called: "Fruit's Basket". I had no idea that Anime could be so emotional! I used to think it was boring, high action cartoons. Rachel's hair was full of curlers, it was cute and I took pictures. I got to meet Rachel's pet hamster; "Viffi". He was adorable, and I held him for several minutes. That too, was cute, and I took more pictures. After a while we all gathered and had Ice Cream Cake, and sat in front of the tv to watch a movie called: " Labyrinth". Weird movie from the 80's, but it was entertaining. (To be honest with you, I was SURE I would have weird dreams.) (Especially with that one guy's frizzy hair, it was creepy). We also did Henna tattoos, I was gonna get my arm done, but thought that would look weird for the sleeveless dress I had for the next day. So I watched other people do Henna. It was fun.

Needless to say, we went to bed really late.

More Pictures from Tim and Rachel's Wedding Posted by Picasa

Jane and Nathan at Rachel's Wedding. Posted by Picasa

Jane was a Flower Girl, Nathan was a Ringbearer.

Tim and Rachel's Wedding! Posted by Picasa